Sunday, February 3, 2013

Reprap power supply goes old skool

Looking at my worn out Nintendo I wanted to put it to some good use so I made it into a power supply for my Reprap. 


  1. *Sniffle*
    *Tear rolls down cheek*

    WHY! What did that NES ever do to YOU!


    Just kidding! Nice mod. Now what would have been sweet would have been to put an itx PC into that case and use that to drive a reprap...

    Any chance we can see inside the case?

  2. That would of been a great idea. I'll have to mill that idea over. I will try and get some pics on the inside when I get a chance. I've been super busy with my current build dubbed, ( Printrbot Nintendo Edition.) Thanks for the comments and keep them coming. We always appreciate new ideas.
